Does Broccoli Increase Testosterone? Scientific Facts

Does Broccoli Increase Testosterone Know Science!

Broccoli is one of the few green vegetables that is advocated for its nutritional richness. Given that the relationship between nutrition and testosterone is intricate and has long been a subject of research and discussion, broccoli has emerged as one of those vegetables that are believed to support testosterone production in men experiencing low levels.

Now, the main question is, is it just a mere claim or can broccoli truly influence testosterone output? To know the scientific truth behind it, We decided to explore various research data associated with broccoli and testosterone and investigate the nutritional components in the vegetable that can potentially boost the hormone levels. Here’s what we found.

Important Highlights
  • There is scientific evidence that broccoli supplementation can increase testosterone levels and even improve sperm health and mobility.
  • Broccoli contains magnesium that can boost testosterone production significantly when consumed consistently.
  • Indole-3-carbinol, a compound in broccoli, inhibits the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen by breaking the latter down.
  • Broccoli also contains flavonoids that trigger testosterone production from the source.

Broccoli And Testosterone – The Scientific Evidence

Broccoli is packed with numerous nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial to overall health. However, contemporary research has revealed that this power-packed vegetable also has the potential to improve testosterone health and levels. Let’s take a look at some of those studies to see how-

Boosting With Broccoli Extract

Broccoli And Testosterone The Scientific Evidence

One of the direct and compelling evidence of broccoli’s positive influence on testosterone comes from a recently published study from 2021. The experiment was carried out for 42 days to examine the effect of broccoli on the testicular health and functioning of male mice. At the end of the intervention, when the blood sample was tested, researchers found that broccoli extract supplementation had led to:

  • A considerable improvement in testosterone levels
  • Increase in sperm longevity and mobility
  • A prominent rise in the sperm count

The study thus concluded that broccoli was able to enhance testicular activity in the treated groups significantly when compared to placebo and others. Therefore, when taken in a dose-specific way, it can be beneficial for testicular functioning, resulting in better testosterone and sperm health.

However, it is important to note here that this study was conducted on animal subjects and chances are it will not have the same amount of effect on humans given the dosage of the broccoli extract used in the experiment. For it to have a significant positive impact on humans, the dosage has to be higher. It could probably work when combined with other ingredients or greens in the formula.

That said, breaking down the compounds that make broccoli a powerful ingredient, I found a few key components that have been proven to increase testosterone levels in humans individually.

Components In Broccoli That Influence Testosterone

Below are some of the elements found in broccoli that are scientifically proven to tackle testosterone issues. Let’s take a closer look at each of them to find out how:

Magnesium (A Natural Testosterone Booster)

Magnesium Components In Broccoli That Influence Testosterone

One of the most popular nutrients found in various foods and supplements, magnesium has a significant contribution to multiple body processes that are associated with testosterone production – directly or indirectly. Because of this reason, you will be able to find it in several top testosterone-boosters available in the market.

The findings from a clinical trial from 2011 confirm that magnesium supplementation can directly elevate testosterone levels in both resting men as well as in athletes, although, it is more impactful in active men. Given that broccoli is rich in magnesium, it can surely have a positive effect on testosterone.

We also came across a study that proves magnesium’s inverse association with SHBG- a blood protein that binds with free testosterone thus reducing its levels. Magnesium intake has been proven to inhibit the activities of SHBG which helps restore testosterone levels in the body.

Furthermore, supplementation of this essential mineral also improves physical strength and endurance allowing you to train harder. Numerous studies have found that regular exercise can boost testosterone levels.

Indole-3-Carbinol (Metabolized Estrogen)

Indole-3-Carbino Components In Broccoli That Influence Testosterone

Estrogen is a sex hormone similar to testosterone, however, unlike the latter, it is more predominant in women. In men, though, estrogen is made by the enzyme aromatase by conversion of testosterone.

Now, this is a natural process because men need a little bit of estrogen for certain body functions. However, as they age, the aromatase activity increases, and more amount of free testosterone is converted to estrogen which then significantly lowers the testosterone levels in the body.

Indole-3-Carbinol, a phytochemical compound present in broccoli, has been scientifically proven to negatively regulate the effects of the conversion process by breaking down estrogen. This in turn restores and increases the free testosterone in the bloodstream for the body to use.

For this compound to work effectively, you will need at least 200 mg of it. Half a cup of broccoli contains about 27 mg of Indole-3-carbinol. So you might require at least 4 to 5 cups of this vegetable which may not be practical, but, it is also present in other vegetables like onions, kale, and cauliflower. So maintaining a balanced diet should be able to give you optimum benefits.

Flavonoids (Trigger Testosterone Release)

Flavonoids (Trigger Testosterone Release)

Yet another important element that can boost testosterone levels is flavonoids. As for broccoli, it contains two main forms of it- quercetin and kaempferol. They are a powerhouse of antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties which prevent the cells from oxidative stress damage.

One of the recent studies on the effect of flavonoids on steroidogenesis shows that these compounds can trigger the testicular Leydig cells to increase testosterone production. Speaking of which, We found another concrete study that demonstrated that the test subjects, taking broccoli supplements consistently throughout the trial period, had a substantial rise in testosterone levels at the end of the trial. This effect, according to the researchers was because of the interaction of the flavonoids present in broccoli.

Furthermore, a research paper published by Havard confirms that flavonoids improve blood circulation, and flex the arteries which can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.


All the above scientific evidence focuses on the fact that broccoli does have the potential to increase testosterone levels significantly. While more human trials particularly on Indole-3-Carbinol would have been helpful, in general, the presence of these components (magnesium, flavonoids, and Indole-3-Carbinol) and several other important nutrients sure makes broccoli a potent testosterone-boosting ingredient. Taking these compounds in higher doses and including broccoli in your diet, particularly if you are looking to improve your testosterone levels can be helpful.

In addition to all these, today’s article in itself is proof that the role of diet in testosterone regulation and overall health is extremely important.